Thursday, July 26, 2012

What Country am I from?

With the Olympics upon us I thought I would take a moment to tell you which countries the people of the Atwood house will be cheering for. I of course will be cheering for Canada and Kara probably will cheer for the US. I think I can swing Benjamin to my side (thanks to cbc kids). Kaleb, however will not be cheering for either of the two countries in which he holds citizenship. He will be cheering for, wait for it…The Netherlands. The Netherlands you say, how do you know? Well a few weeks ago Kaleb spent a good portion of the day walking around saying “I’m Dutch, I’m Dutch, I’m Dutch.” He said it not once, not twice, but multiple times throughout the day. All I could think of was where did he come up with that? At one point I said “Kaleb, as far as I know you are not Dutch. You are Canadian and American and British and German and if you go back far enough maybe there is some Russian and Polish in there as well.” Well Kaleb did not like me telling him that. He looked and me and yelled “I’M DUTCH!!” as loud as he possibly could. I thought well he does like the colour orange which is a Dutch colour. I don’t know maybe there is some Dutch in there somewhere. I guess I’ll need to look. I let you know what I found out. In the meantime...

Sunday, May 27, 2012

What are they thinking?

It has been a while since I have written so here I am.  We went on trip a couple of weeks ago and discovered that our van needed major repairs so we have a rental right now.  We don't when we get our van back as the parts have to come from Mexico.  The rental van is ok but it does not have a dvd player which meant we had to drive all the way from Lethbridge to Edmonton and back to Hanna without movies.  As we were listening to the radio the announcer said something about Facebook.  Benjamin noticed the the gas gage was showing about half full.  He said "Daddy we need gas, we should stop by facebook and get some."  Later that night we were swimming at our hotel he said that we were swimming in the CBC.

Over the last couple of days Kaleb has been carrying a couple of pieces of toy race track saying that it is his computer and says that he is skyping with his friends.